REVV K-Cup Review
December 12, 2020Decaf Tea K-Cup Review
December 12, 2020Van Houtte K-Cup Review
Bottom Line
Van Houtte caters to all coffee drinkers with their 28 K-Cup varieties. The Original House Blend is an everyday medium roast with decaf and dark roast options. Their K-Cups vary in roast, flavor, and intensity but there’s sure to be something for everyone.
- Roaster: Van Houtte Roasters
- Blend: Varies with both blends and some single-origins available
- Strength: Light to dark roast available
- Caffeine: About 70-125 mg depending on the roast
Van Houtte K-Cup Tasting Notes
Van Houtte is a Canadian brewer founded by Albert-Louis Van Houtte. They give you the pick of the bunch with 28 different K-Cups, including 11 light, 7 medium, and 10 dark roasts, with regular and decaf varieties.
The Original House Blend is their signature roast. It has the dark, woodsy hints of a dark roast while still highlighting the natural flavors of the coffee bean. There’s a perfect balance of body and acidity, ideal for your everyday coffee habits. The Original House Blend is also available in decaf and dark roast.
Their Signature Collection includes two K-Cups:
- Sumatra
- Mexico Mexique
The Sumatra K-Cup brings classic Indonesian flavors to your home. It’s creamy, sweet, and has hints of spice and butterscotch. Mexico Mexique combines fruity flavors with powerful aromas in true Mexican style.
You’ll experience intense, balanced flavors from these dark roasts, which are both Fair Trade and organic.
Van Houtte K-Cup Caffeine Content
Van Houtte K-Cups have about 75-125 mg of caffeine per cup, depending on the specific K-Cup you’re enjoying. The caffeine content of the various Van Houtte K-Cups differs based on roast and blend. The light roast K-Cups contain the most caffeine, whilst the dark roasts contain the least. Certain varieties are also available in decaf.
But Wait…Are You Paying Double for Stale Coffee?
If you’re drinking Van Houtte K-Cups, you probably are.
Switch to the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup and save money every day while enjoying better, fresher coffee.
There are four great reasons to make the switch today.
1. Save 90% (or more) on each cup of coffee
The average DeliBru user saves $832 every single year by kicking traditional, single-use K-Cups to the curb. That’s enough to buy 6 brand new, top-of-the-line Keurig coffee makers each year!
2. Enjoy fresher coffee
Traditional K-Cups are filled with old, stale coffee. You wouldn’t pay double for dried-out, day-old pizza, so why do the same with your coffee?
With the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup, you can savor every sip by using freshly ground coffee beans for a mouthwatering, aromatic cup.
3. Stop being limited!
Traditional K-Cups limit you to whatever stale roasts manufacturers decide to package. With the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup, you can drink any coffee in the world!
4. Feel good about saving the environment
Enough K-Cups are sold every year to circle the earth over 10.5 times. Unfortunately, most are made with #7 composite plastic, which can’t be recycled.
Do you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?
Eliminate needless K-Cup waste and feel good about getting your caffeine fix by switching to the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup!