Coconut Mocha K-Cup Review
December 14, 2020Bigelow Green Tea K-Cup Review
December 31, 2020Vanilla Chai K-Cup Review
Bottom Line
The Vanilla Chai K-Cup mixes subtle vanilla flavor with Indian Chai. Bigelow, Twinings, and Tejava are the most popular makers of this flavored K-Cup, which is less caffeinated than regular black tea and much less than a standard cup of coffee.
- Roaster: Varies
- Blend: Varies
- Strength: Varies
- Caffeine: About 25 mg
Vanilla Chai K-Cup Tasting Notes
Vanilla Chai is a popular flavor, typically combining black tea and vanilla flavoring with steamed milk. Experience a beautiful blend of cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and cloves in your Vanilla Chai K-Cup.
Because it’s made with black tea, Vanilla Chai is enriched with healthy antioxidants, which reduce inflammation and are believed to reduce the likelihood of developing certain cancers.
You’ll find Vanilla Chai K-Cups from the following brands:
- Bigelow: Vanilla Chai
- Twinings: Chai Latte, French Vanilla
- Tejava: Vanilla Chai Unsweetened Black Tea
The Bigelow and Twinings K-Cups are both naturally and artificially flavored and sweetened black teas.
The Tejava K-Cup is an unsweetened black tea with only natural flavors. It uses no sugar, sweeteners, calories, or preservatives and is a healthier, more natural choice.
All Vanilla Chai K-Cups deliver a smooth vanilla flavor complemented with delicate, yet punchy, spice notes.
Twinings uses cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, clove to spice its Chai Latte French Vanilla K-Cup. Bigelow doesn’t provide detail on their exact blend of spices, but it has the signature kick of a traditional Vanilla Chai tea.
Tejava the following mix of spices:
- Ginger
- Cinnamon
- Orange peel
- Cardamom
- Cloves
Vanilla Chai K-Cup freshness is only so-so, which is an issue with almost all K-Cups. To really enjoy a fresh cup, consider brewing a Vanilla Chai K-Cup clone using loose leaf tea (or traditional tea bags) and the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup.
Not only will your tea taste better (seriously, it’s a night-and-day difference) but you’ll save 50% on every serving.
Vanilla Chai K-Cup Caffeine Content
The Vanilla Chai K-Cup has around 25 mg of caffeine per serving with exact amounts varying by brand. Generally, Chai tea has less caffeine than a typical black tea and one-quarter the caffeine of a traditional cup of coffee.
But Wait…Are You Paying Double for Stale K-Cups?
If you’re drinking Vanilla Chai K-Cups, you probably are.
Switch to the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup and save money every day while enjoying better, fresher coffee.
There are four great reasons to make the switch today.
1. Save 90% (or more) on each cup of tea
The average DeliBru user saves $832 every single year by kicking traditional, single-use K-Cups to the curb. That’s enough to buy 6 brand new, top-of-the-line Keurig coffee makers each year!
2. Enjoy fresher hot beverages
Traditional K-Cups are filled with old, stale ingredients. You wouldn’t pay double for dried-out, day-old pizza, so why do the same with your coffee?
With the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup, you can savor every sip by using fresh tea leaves for a fresh, savory cup.
3. Stop being limited!
Traditional K-Cups limit you to whatever stale tea leaves manufacturers decide to package. With the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup, you can drink any fresh tea in the world!
4. Feel good about saving the environment
Enough K-Cups are sold every year to circle the earth over 10.5 times. Unfortunately, most are made with #7 composite plastic, which can’t be recycled.
Do you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?
Eliminate needless K-Cup waste and feel good about getting your hot tea fix by switching to the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup!
Stay up to date with our content and get notified of exciting offers just for our readers when you submit your email below.
‘PRODUCT’ Review
Bottom Line:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus luctus odio tellus. Donec eu dignissim mi. Fusce tincidunt non purus quis finibus. Sed quis maximus quam. Morbi sodales at eros vel maximus. Nullam gravida nibh et ligula molestie, ut aliquet eros molestie. Sed aliquet maximus ex, ut rhoncus nisl aliquet nec.
- Roaster: Lorem ipsum
- Blend: Lorem ipsum
- Strength: Lorem ipsum
- Caffeine: Lorem ipsum
‘PRODUCT’ Tasting Notes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus luctus odio tellus. Donec eu dignissim mi. Fusce tincidunt non purus quis finibus. Sed quis maximus quam. Morbi sodales at eros vel maximus. Nullam gravida nibh et ligula molestie, ut aliquet eros molestie. Sed aliquet maximus ex, ut rhoncus nisl aliquet nec. Phasellus feugiat enim nec tincidunt sagittis. Praesent sapien ex, pretium consectetur ligula a, cursus tempor orci. Curabitur id ex diam. Duis quis porttitor lorem, non feugiat eros. Etiam at tortor eu urna sodales posuere. Suspendisse luctus mollis nulla, non tincidunt ipsum tristique sed. Praesent sed odio efficitur, posuere turpis non, scelerisque tortor. Integer iaculis lobortis sapien at eleifend. Aenean molestie interdum elit, quis tincidunt nunc commodo eu.
Cras ut mi est. Donec pretium gravida neque, id scelerisque lectus aliquet aliquet. Nulla ac eleifend sem. Aenean vulputate eu ipsum ut placerat. Duis dui quam, mattis at est euismod, varius blandit nibh. Cras vulputate eu enim eget consectetur. Nulla nec nunc sodales, interdum leo ut, hendrerit dolor. In at dictum odio, in facilisis velit. Nullam sit amet libero nisi. Fusce purus libero, vestibulum ut erat sed, pharetra rutrum quam. Curabitur sed elit semper sem cursus malesuada nec in orci. Donec dui sapien, tristique efficitur consectetur ut, egestas eget risus. In ultrices nisi at ipsum sagittis viverra. Nunc magna tortor, auctor eleifend dolor vitae, vulputate rhoncus nunc. Nullam id egestas augue.
Mauris volutpat libero non felis condimentum eleifend. Donec enim dui, mattis sed urna vel, efficitur maximus justo. Maecenas pulvinar, ex at.
‘PRODUCT’ Caffeine Content
Mauris volutpat libero non felis condimentum eleifend. Donec enim dui, mattis sed urna vel, efficitur maximus justo. Maecenas pulvinar, ex at.
But Wait…Are You Paying Double for Stale Coffee?
If you’re drinking Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha K-Cups, you probably are.
Switch to the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup and save money every day while enjoying better, fresher coffee.
There are four great reasons to make the switch today.
1. Save 90% (or more) on each cup of coffee
The average DeliBru user saves $832 every single year by kicking traditional, single-use K-Cups to the curb. That’s enough to buy 6 brand new, top-of-the-line Keurig coffee makers each year!
2. Enjoy fresher coffee
Traditional K-Cups are filled with old, stale coffee. You wouldn’t pay double for dried-out, day-old pizza, so why do the same with your coffee?
With the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup, you can savor every sip by using freshly ground coffee beans for a mouthwatering, aromatic cup.
3. Stop being limited!
Traditional K-Cups limit you to whatever stale roasts manufacturers decide to package. With the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup, you can drink any coffee in the world!
4. Feel good about saving the environment
Enough K-Cups are sold every year to circle the earth over 10.5 times. Unfortunately, most are made with #7 composite plastic, which can’t be recycled.
Do you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?
Eliminate needless K-Cup waste and feel good about getting your caffeine fix by switching to the DeliBru Reusable K-Cup!