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February 21, 2020How To Use DeliBru Reusable K-Cups® In Your Keurig®
March 6, 2020People tend to think that the small things we throw away each day don’t matter to the environment as much. It may surprise you to know that cigarette butts make up 30% of all the litter in the United States. Another surprising fact is that those little Keurig K-Cups® we all love so much, make a huge impact in our landfills. Though they seem small and harmless, there is plastic and aluminum foil in each one.
About 13 billion of these disposable K-Cups® go into our landfills each year. That’s enough to circle the earth 10 ½ times. When you think of it in these terms, you can clearly see how dangerous they are for the environment.
The plastic, though thin, will eventually break up and become millions of sharp items that could injure or kill birds, fish and other wildlife.
Wanna Make a Difference?
So many Americans are looking for some way to make a difference and save our planet. Though this may sound small, simply replacing your throwaway K-Cups® with reusable pods is a great way to start. If enough environmentally conscious Americans would get on board and we could reduce the number of disposable K-Cups® by half, it would make a lasting impact. And not just in our landfills, but in our lakes and rivers. Because, as we all know, so much used plastic winds up in a lake, a river or the ocean.
How to Save the Environment
Though it seems like a big job, if each person would do their part, it could have a monumental effect on our environment. There are over 325 million people in America. Even if each of us only contributes a small amount toward saving the environment, the results could be phenomenal.
Recycle whenever necessary.
Sometimes we throw things away that are perfectly good and could be given to a local charity like Goodwill. As we each do our part, we’ll reap the rewards and so will our grandchildren. Our lakes and rivers will be cleaner. Our air will be fresh and breathable.
One great way to make a lasting impact is simply by ditching those one-use coffee pods and replacing them with reusable pods from DeliBru. The cost for these pods is so low and yet you still get a rich cup of coffee. Plus, you’ll save money. Each cup of coffee costs about 4 cents for the grounds and even less for the pods since you can use them over and over. The only other cost is the small DeliBru paper filters for the reusable pods and these will cost about 9 cents each. They will not harm the environment at all. They’re completely safe to throw away.
What a Great Idea!
There’s really no downside to switching over to the Reusable K-Cups®. They are easy to use, inexpensive, safe for the environment and you still get to enjoy your coffee guilt-free. Reusable K-Cups® from DeliBru will fit in almost any Keurig® coffee maker and many of the Mr. Coffee machines. Most coffee pot makers are developing a line that works with the reusable pods because there’s been such a high demand. Maybe it’s time for you to get on board the reusable coffee pod train!
Shop DeliBru To Make An Environmental Impact